
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are you Compatible with Your Mate?

Take the compatibility test below

By: Andrea Edwards

            Sure we’ve all heard the old saying, that opposites attract, but how important is compatibility in a relationship? Must two people be compatible in order to have a shot at long-lasting happiness?  Furthermore, are there area of compatibility that are more important to the survival and development of a romantic relationship? Well, according to Michael Myerscough—well known relationship coach, relationship compatibility is the most important component to the survival of a relationship, though not sexy.

            To further explain the importance of compatibility Myerscough emphasizes that compatibility is “the key principle that determines whether your relationship will be a lifetime of love and laughter or a destructive disaster.”  He further goes on to say, that the majority of people that ends up in marriage or relationship counseling do so in the hopes of mending something that was never a fit to begin with.

            Moreover, he states that while physical chemistry is important, being each other’s best friend speaks more to the longevity of the relationship.  If for example, one partner values routine and the other values adventure, trying to reach a compromise can prevent the other in fulfilling his or her value.  When people are prevented from doing the things they love most in life, what normally follows are resentment and anger, which Myerscough states, has led to a 52 percent divorce rate.

            However, he cautions, it is unrealistic to expect to find a partner that’s 100 percent compatible.  Instead, he says, one should look for a mate who highly compatible in the areas that matters most to you.  To see if you and your partner are compatible, you can follow this link to his compatibility quiz found on the relationship gym’s website.                

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